Meet The Hosts of Owls About Stat
Find out more about Peter, James and James here
Peter Løhmann
Born on a Wednesday way too many years ago. And in Denmark.
Loves sifting through copious amounts of numbers trying to make sense of what they're saying.
Peter's the undisputed brains of the operation.
james allen
Yorkshire by nurture, New York by nature, James is our ‘American’ outcast, ahem, Strategist. By day a capitalist city-type, by night he obsesses about Wednesday’s commercial future, while sat in a tiny apartment with various hipster beers.
And hummus.
james marriott
James is the one who's actually based in Sheffield and so is able to follow Wednesday home and away (not that he remembers anything from games).
He's the realist of the trio and tries to add a practical element to proceedings.